Art: Reflecting on my Papier Mache Hot Air Balloon
1. Are you pleased with your Hot Air Balloon? why / why not?
I am pleased with my balloon because I like the colour purple on my balloon and the colour green on my balloon.
2. What did you find easy when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
The part that was easy was painting my balloon white.
3. What part did you find tricky when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
The part that was tricky was putting on the ribbons on the segments.
4. Who / What helped you when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
Pace, Miss Paton and Miss Chapman.
5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: Painting, Smoothing, Gluing of ribbon, Glittering and Time Management.
Time management because I thought I was last making my Hot air balloon.
6. What frustrated you when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
The part that was frustrated was gluing the newspaper and gluing the newsprint.
1 comment:
Hi Tim
Your Hot Air Balloon looks lovely
I like the colour of the ribbon that you used
on your Hot Air Balloon
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