This was my comment made to Fine, Samantha and Shantay. Our focus was to write a blog comment to a Friend, PBS Student, Class Blog, Manaiakalani Cluster Blog. We also needed to have our spelling, punctuation, and to check if it makes sense. Our Blog Comment has to include positive feedback, information that would be helpful but not into a negative way and to have some sort of connection to the blog post that we commented on. I commented on their video which explains why maths is important in schools. I think this is funny and also very educational.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Blog Comment: Muamua | Pt England School (Term is coming to an end) - Tim
This was my comment made to Muamua from Pt England School . Our focus was to write a blog comment to a Friend, PBS Student, Class Blog, Manaiakalani Cluster Blog. We also needed to have our spelling, punctuation, and to check if it makes sense. Our Blog Comment has to include positive feedback, information that would be helpful but not into a negative way and to have some sort of connection to the blog post that we commented on. I commented on his 'Term is coming to an end'. He explained how his term went and how his year went.
Blog Comment: Juliano (Cybersmart Scammers) - Tim
This was my comment made to Juliano. Our focus was to write a blog comment to a Friend, PBS Student, Class Blog, Manaiakalani Cluster Blog. We also needed to have our spelling, punctuation, and to check if it makes sense. Our Blog Comment has to include positive feedback, information that would be helpful but not into a negative way and to have some sort of connection to the blog post that we commented on. I commented on his Cybersmart Scammers. He had to look for different sort of scammers and write information about them, to see what they do and what they are out to look for.
Blog Comment,
Blog Comment: Sebastian (Head Boy Nomination) - Tim
This was my comment made to Sebastian. Our focus was to write a blog comment to a Friend, PBS Student, Class Blog, Manaiakalani Cluster Blog. We also needed to have our spelling, punctuation, and to check if it makes sense. Our Blog Comment has to include positive feedback, information that would be helpful but not into a negative way and to have some sort of connection to the blog post that we commented on. I commented on Sebastian's Head Boy Nomination. He had to write a paragraph explaining why he should be head boy.
Blog Comment,
Head Boy Nomination,
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Creative Collaboration: Why is it important to learn maths in schools - Evelyn, Tiare, Saruja and Tim
Friday, 4 December 2015
New Zealand Flag Votes Results - Tim
My Graph shows the percentages shown on how many people voted for each flag. I am glad that the flag that I chose was chosen the most. I really thought the Blue and Black fern flag was going to be chosen. I have made a pie chart to separately show you the votes. I was suprised that the Koru flag was the least voted one, I honestly thought the Red Peak one was going to be the least since I have heard not people like it.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Choosing A New Flag - Evelyn, Tiare, June and Tim
For one of our tasks we had to do something called 4-3-2-1 where we had to find out information about the five flags and read about it for 4 minutes. After that for 3 minutes we share the information about the flag that we chose with a buddy. 2 minutes we find another person and share the same information to that person. 1 minute we get into a group of 4 and share the information we gathered from the researching. The purpose of these tasks was to chose what flag we wanted since our school had to vote for which flag we wanted. I chose the Silver Fern (Red, White and Blue) I chose that flag because I like how to designer incorporated the heritage and history from New Zealand. I also really like how the stars is the Southern Cross which is where New Zealand is located. The stars also symbolises the islands of New Zealand. The flag I chose is similar to the original New Zealand with the Same Colours
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Maths Question - Tim
These are some of the questions I have heard or asked. These questions will help me make a lot of connections in Maths.
Maths: Quick Writes - Tim
This is the question I answered for my Quick Writes
My Quick Write that I did about collaborating in Maths. I have written a lot of reasons why it is good to collaborate in Maths.
Quick Writes,
Give 1! Get 1! - Tim
Give 1! Get 1! is what Room 5 did. We each choose a partner and tell them our strategy, we then move on a tell the strategy to other person. We have to have at least 5 other strategies on our Maths Book. I first started off with Oh SMar and then I went onto Zeba, Sajiha, John, Evelyn, Saruja and Tim
Give One and Get One,
Room 5,
Basketball: Final Session - Tim
Our Final Basketball Session went well. We did our Usually warm-up, then we went onto playing an actual Basketball Game. After the basketball game we played Golden Child. Which One team shoot and try and get it in the hoop while the other team, one person run until the other team gets a shoot and that persons stops. Then After the person goes. If the person can go all the way then they are safe. When it comes up to the last person, that last person is Golden Child where they run and when they pass the person that stopped, that person follows them to the end. While the other team hurry and rush to get the golden child and the other person following them out. We played that until our time was up. I really enjoyed the basketball session. I get a shoot in the hoop and I got the chance of being Golden child.
Final Session,
Kiwi Sports,
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
T4 Letter: T1 Reply - Tim
Dear Term Four Tim
By the time you read this you will now have already finished school and moving on to college. In Order to achieve this you would have to put a lot of effort into your work, Let’s just say it was worth it. You would have made good progress in your test/assessment. You would also need to solve maths problems and work on your maths multiplication quicker. You had better worked on your maths at home. You could play a multiplication game on the iPad and you could also memorize the 6, 8 and 9 times table. Have you made any progress on maths this year? Have you moved your learning to the level? You would also need to achieve getting a prize giving award/Certificate. To achieve that goal you would have to come to school every day and work hard for that award/certificate to be yours. You would also need to have approximately 100 posts on my blog. To achieve that goal, you would need to finish off work and post it on your blog ASAP. I hope you make it through another year by achieving your goals you have set during the year. `
Good luck, See you in December
From Term One Tim
LI: To reflect on personal goals set in Term 1
WOW! It’s been almost a year and I have to say I am pretty proud of myself for achieving some of my goals set throughout 2015. Final Year, Great Accomplishments. There are more goals to come at the end of 2015 and during 2016. I am still set on achieving my final goal - Prizegiving Award. I have mastered by times table and now know them off by heart. I am pretty sure that I have succeeded to be the best that I can in maths. I have reached my 100 blog post limit and have even made it pass 200. This year has been a great year. I am so proud of myself. 2015 has to be the year I have worked my best on. These memories will always be in my heart. I will never forget the effort I put into my work and the wonderful friends I have made from being a junior to a senior.
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